One of the disadvantages of living in a consumer driven economy, is that every time something new hits the shelves, we have to pay a premium for it. It's not Broadband And Line Rental to Broadband Multimedia Sdn Bhd the first kid on the block with the latest toy. Marketing bills are expensive I guess. The good thing is though, that once a toy (like the Nintendo Wii) has been around for a while, things get a bit cheaper. Take games for example. It is possible, to get some pretty good deals on Wii games.
If Adsl Line Rental a little patient, and don't mind not being able to add to "your collection" renting games is a smart way to go. It's an excellent way, to try out a title you may be hesitant to pay full price as well.
If you're going to rent a lot of games, it would be well worth your while to find a store that rents games at a monthly fee. There are a number of online stores that do this. Usually the way it works, is you can play as many games as you want, but can only have 1 or 2 games out at a time. When you bring one back, you can take another.
As with anything, there are pros and cons to this way of renting games. Having to exchange games all the time, can sometimes be a pain. But, having a huge selection to choose from is a big advantage. Game rental companies usually have thousands of titles to choose from. They're sort of like a library, but with games, instead of books. The other rather obvious advantage, is price.
The major deciding factor that will determine if renting games is right for you, is the frequency of time you spend playing games. If you play more than a couple of new games titles a month, then you should really look into it.
While, everyone knows you can download games from the internet onto your PC, it seems a little less publicized, that you can do the same thing with your Wii. They're called WiiWare, and they're usually pretty inexpensive. They usually go for less than $10. I think some owners are either a little reluctant to hook up their Wii to the internet, or just don't know how. It's actually pretty easy, if you already have wireless at home.
For all you young, green loving, Al-Gore-following, save the planet types, that also own a Wii, I truly hope you're already buying used Wii games. Or, at least renting games. While it does keep money out of the economy, and in your pants, it also cuts down on our already excessive consumption of plastic, cardboard, Styrofoam, and other packaging materials. Seriously though, pretty much every game ever written for the Wii is on sale used somewhere.
OK, so one more suggestion here. Never, never, never wait in line to buy a Wii game. Only crazy uber geeks with no life would do that. The worst part of it all, is that you end up paying at least full price for the game. Just relax, wait a month or so, and I bet you save at least one third of the original selling price.
Visit this Cheap Wii Games Website for some inexpensive Wii fun.
Some Used Wii Games aren't a bad idea either.